Im Rahmen von TANZPAKT in residence arbeitet Katja Erfurth im Januar und Februar dieses Jahres…

tanz_netzwerk_bremen CONNECTION presents: Workshop with Guy Cools „Who needs a dramaturg?“ • June 2023 in Dresden at Villa Wigman
In context of our 2023 joint project tanz_netzwerk_bremen CONNECTION TanzNetzDresden, TanzXchange Münster and the Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Bremen are organizing not just a Peer to Peer-Academy but also a row of workshops. All information about our workshop „Who needs a dramaturg“ with Guy Cools which will take place in June 2023 in Dresden can now be found in the following blog-article.
„Who needs a dramaturg?“ – Workshop with Guy Cools at villa/wigman
The underlying idea of the workshop is that as a choreographer you don’t necessarily need a dramaturg but you should develop your own dramaturgical reflection on your artistic practice.
The workshop will offer participants practical tools and exercises to reflect upon, to evaluate and eventually to transform their creative process. Using the cross, circle and labyrinth as graphic symbols, we will discuss the essential polarities of the creative process: perception, formation, intuition, experience.
In the workshop we will focus on perception (what to look for), articulation (how to express oneself best in order to get what one is looking for) and interdisciplinary practices: looking at how artists work in other disciplines and finding creative ‘translations’ of this toward one’s own practice.
Through practical and physical exercises we will explore how dramaturgy/the dramaturg can contribute to this process as witness, dialogue partner and ‘editor’. We will focus amongst others on the importance of rhythm and transitions inside the editing process.
The final goal of the workshop is to gain a different, renewed perspective of one’s own creative and choreographic process and methodologies through discovering the diversity of practices of the other participants.
Date: Friday, June 9, 2023 & Saturday, June 10, 2023
– always from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. –
Venue: villa/wigman, Bautzner Str. 107, 01099 Dresden
History of the workshop
The workshop was originally commissioned by Circuit Est in Montréal and developed in close collaboration with the Canadian dance artists Ginelle Chagnon and Lin Snelling. Over a period of fifteen year it has further grown with the input of all its participants in amongst other, the following places and dance communities. During COVID an online version was also developed.
The workshop will be given in English and is addressed to professional dance practitioners from Bremen, Dresden and Münsterland. A registration as a pair (1 dancer / 1 outside eye or collaborator) is desired but not mandatory.
- More about Guy Cools and his workshops can be found here: & - More about his workshop at tanz_netzwerk_bremen CONNECTION is available here:
Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR and by the Senator for Culture of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.
A project in cooperation with TanzNetzDresden, funded by the Office for Culture and Monument Protection Dresden and the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony*. *This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the members of the Saxon State Parliament.
Header-photo: Guy Cools; provided by