Großes steht in diesem Jahr an, denn das TanzNetzDresden wird 2025 sein 15jähriges Bestehen zelebrieren.…

TNDD studio round edition nr. VIII • December 15, 2023 • TENZA Schmiede • the complete line up
The line up of the upcoming and meanwhile eighth TNDD studio round edition, which will take place on December 15, 2023 as usual starting at 8 p.m. at the TENZA Schmiede, is now online. For this reason, there is also a blog post today, which will be about the artistic contributions of the upcoming TNDD studio round edition. Have fun reading and discovering.
More than ever, visitors to the upcoming TNDD studio round can expect three exciting contributions from very different artists and collectives, which will be presented and discussed with the guests of the evening in our special studio atmosphere. As always, the format is free of charge. More about the upcoming are now online in this blog post.
The participants of the upcoming eighth edition are:
- Yuexuan Gui & Shiyu Liu (Dresden): „nuán“
- Sophie Sengle & Franziska Ullrich (Hannover/Kassel): „Never enough hands to unknot“
- M.over X Rothe (Leipzig): „ROMANTIC MODE“
Detailed information on the individual contributions to the eighth TNDD studio round will now follow or can be viewed directly on the studio round subpage. There, all information is also available in English. An additional blog post in German is available here.
Yuexuan Gui & Shiyu Liu
Yuexuan Gui is a Chinese freelance dancer-choreographer, currently based in Dresden, Germany. She has presented her own works at festivals, theatres, galleries both in Germany and China, such as: Theater Pforzheim, Beijing Dance Festival, CloudMove – International Online Dance Festival, SoloDuo festival NRW, Oktogon HfBK Dresden, Zukunft Tanzt Festival 2022, Bauhaus Museum, Venice Biennale di Danza. She has started researching and questioning the thin line of absurdity in 2020, and discovered her interest lies in interdisciplinary performance mixing her dance experience with theatrical ideas.
More information about Yuexuan Gui is available at:
Shiyu Liu was born in 1998 in Ezhou city in China. In 2018 she graduated from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Singapore, in the same year she joined Beijing LDTX Dance company as a professional dancer. In 2022 she focused on Dance Choreography and then she joined the MA choreography program in Palucca Hoschule für Tanz Dresden. In 2023, she participated in the American Dance Festival, and as an international guest choreographer she created a trio <like the two eyes of cyclops>.
Photo: Brian Scalini
nuán is a duet piece about the friendship between two women. It was inspired by both ideographic and semantic perspectives of Chinese characters, ‚奻'(nuán), which consisted of the character ‚女‘ which represents women. When forming two women / ‚女‘ together, the meaning of ‘奻’ change into quarrel/ dispute or doltish. Intrigued by this word, nuán is focused on exploring the physical embodiment of the peculiarity of the woman’s friendship, and transforming the collision when attachment, affinity and companionship clashes with the emotional sensation of jealousy, envy and competitiveness.
Performers: Yuexuan Gui & Shiyu Liu
Duration: around 12 minutes
M.over X Rothe (Leipzig/Dresden)
Mandy Unger aka. M.over works as a choreographer, dancer, networker and DJ. In 2019 she founded the M.over Company in Leipzig. She has received numerous grants and funding from Tanzpakt in Residence, Theaterverband Thüringen, Kulturstiftung Sachsen and several research grants from Dachverband Tanz and Fonds Darstellende Künste. Her stage productions are a conglomerate of pop and contemporary art as well as sociological field studies. As a dancer, she explores the foundation of floorwork, contemporary dance, social dances (hip hop freestyle, experimental and house) and rave culture.
You can find out more about Mandy Unger a.k.a. M.over at:
Photo: Felix Adler
Theresa Rothe (1990) works as a visual artist in Dresden and Leipzig. In 2019, she was awarded the Saxon State Scholarship and creates works for exhibitions in Germany and abroad, combining sculpture, installation, drawing/painting and performative elements in her artistic work. In doing so, she reflects on and questions the curiosities of everyday life, animal observations and the voyeuristic gaze by engaging with her own body and various materials. Dream images and fantasies form the basis of her exploration of the unconscious.
You can find out more about Theresa Rothe at
Photo: Jana Slaby
Surrounded by Theresa Rothe’s objects in a world that eludes reality, dancer Mandy Unger will explore the relationship between closeness and intimacy with her own body. Inspired by Rothe’s exhibition space „Romantic Mode“, an experience between touch, suggestion and expectations will be created with the audience.
Performer: Mandy Unger a.k.a. M.over
We are very much looking forward to the contributions and the subsequent exchange and cordially invite all interested parties to join us on December 15, 2023 from 8 p.m. at the TENZA Schmiede.
All information on the respective pieces of the evening, which can of course be discussed again afterwards, can be found here.
TNDD studio round is a project by TanzNetzDresden. Funded by the Office for Culture and Monument Protection and the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony. The measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon State Parliament.
Header-Photo: Therese Bendjus & Daria Belous: „Studies of Softening“; Photo by Darya Hauryk