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eng: KEEP UP presents: »Caring in Motion« • Workshop with Alexandre May • new date: February 4 & 5, 2023
Update: We are very happy to announce a new date for the workshop with Alexandre May, which now will take place on February 4 & 5, 2023. All important details about this special offer and the registration can be found in the following blog article.
As part of TanzNetzDresden’s new professional training program KEEP UP, a 2-day intensive workshop with Alexandre May titled „CARING IN MOTION“ will take place on February 4 and 5, 2023. All information about this special date, the costs and the registration is now available in today’s article.
»Caring in Motion«
« Caring in Motion » aims to explore and cultivate ways of moving that can help us taking care of our body-minds through the development of our emotional intelligence. We will explore the body starting from the practice of sensing and feeling to let movement and dancing emerge, through visualization exercises, by using our breath and voice and enjoying physical and emotional mindfulness. Inspired by the practices of contemporary dancing, various somatic methods and Neurosciences, the idea is to forge a safer and securing environment for participants to develop tools for care.
The workshop is open to professionals and non-professionals and will be held in English. Please bring a blanket or something else to lay down onto to the workshop.
Workshop spots are limited and registration via email to is required.
More about the workshop, the idea behind and about Alexandre May can be found here.
Workshop: »Caring in Motion« with Alexandre May
Language: englisch
Dates: February 4 and 5, 2023; each from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. (incl. 1 hour break)
Venue: TENZA Schmiede, Pfotenhauerstraße 59, 01307 Dresden
Participation fee: 50 Euro per person (can be paid in cash on site)
Registration: Workshop spots are limited and registration via email to is required.
More informationen about KEEP UP can be found here:
Alexandre May about himself
I am Alexandre May and I am twenty-eight years old. I dance, teach, have been a rehearsal director, all with the goal of celebrating the window that movement opens on the relationship between body and mind. I am influenced by various dance techniques and aesthetics and have gained knowledge of my body through Body-Mind Centering®, which I am currently studying, and other somatic methods. The world of somatics and neuroscience has helped me understand: We are a body-mind with fascinating mechanisms for self- and co-regulation, and by cultivating these, we can access immense wisdom.
KEEP UP is a project by TanzNetzDresden within the framework of the measure TanzNetzDresden All aRound, supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR.
Headerphoto: Alexandre May