Großes steht in diesem Jahr an, denn das TanzNetzDresden wird 2025 sein 15jähriges Bestehen zelebrieren.…

Fang’s birthday speech on the occasion of TanzNetzDresden’s anniversary.
On November 11, 2021, artist Fang Yun Lo gave a short birthday speech at the TENZA Schmiede on the occasion of TanzNetzDresden’s anniversary. We were very moved and liked her words and therefore we would like to give you the opportunity to read Fang’s speech again today.
»Happy 11 years TNDD«
Dear TNDD,
how are you? How do you feel about today that there are so many people here to celebrate your 11 years? Compared to a human kid you would almost finish elementary school and become a teenager.
I think you should really be thankful that you have many mothers and fathers who take care and carry you so far, also some aunts and uncles like me, Fang, who is not so often with you – but we all love you. In Essen, where I came from 3 years ago, there is another dance network child growing, who is looking up to you, you are like a big sister to her. I feel so bad that I don’t even know when your birthday is, but let’s just say it is today. As a present I don’t bring an art piece or a dance but just a funny mixtape for a classic Kindergeburtstag.
So, let’s celebrate together in many languages – Happy birthday, TanzNetzDresden!