Großes steht in diesem Jahr an, denn das TanzNetzDresden wird 2025 sein 15jähriges Bestehen zelebrieren.…

Special Week with Tiago Manquinho at the KEEP UP professional training • February 19 until 23, 2024
Also this year’s February is getting intense and exciting in terms of KEEP UP professional training, as there will be a Special Week with Tiago Manquinho at the TENZA Schmiede from February 19 to 23, 2024, which will open up a broad spectrum of technique and perception for professional dancers on the basis of trust. You can find everything else about this date and Tiago Manquinho in today’s blog post, which again will be published in both German and English.
Tiago Manquinho
Tiago Manquinho seeks to integrate the socially relevant issues present in his productions into the creative process and the relationship with the audience. For this, he seeks a coherent and consistent relationship between the values embodied on stage and the working conditions, actively confronting all forms of discrimination and exploitation, questioning privileges and the status quo.
After a 20-year career as a dancer in various ensembles such as the Companhia National de Bailado, the Semperoper Ballett and the Tanztheater Bielefeld, Tiago Manquinho was the resident choreographer at the Staatstheater Braunschweig (2015/2017).
Since then, he has choreographed for various companies and institutions such as Stadttheater Gießen, Theater Münster, Theater Vorpommern, Badisches Staatstheater, Theater Lüneburg and Staatstheater Braunschweig. He also presents his own productions throughout Europe.
He is a guest lecturer at various ensembles and institutions. Since 2014 he has been a lecturer for dance (contact improvisation) at Bielefeld University. Manquinho is co-artistic director of TanzKOOP, as well as artistic director of the newly founded youth dance company Leziria Dance Collective in Portugal.
More about Tiago Manquinho can be found at:
Special Week with Tiago Manquinho at the TNDD professional training
From February 19 to 23, Tiago Manquinho is offering a five-day Special Week as part of the KEEP UP professional training at the TENZA Schmiede. Here’s what Tiago has to say about the approach and what participants can expect:
Trust is a very relevant topic in my training. Trust in oneself, trust in the other and trust in the unknown and unexpected. In order to dive into an intense connection and complex partnering possibilities, we will build a deep trusting physical/emotional connection between the dancers. We will dive into an intense somatic and emotional research and regulate energy, intention and weight. We will give space to movement according to physical rules and let go of expectations to allow the unexpected. We will create a safe framework in which we can grow. Questioning our relationship with gravity. Expanding our boundaries and discovering new scope.
Informationen on the professional training with Tiago Manquinho
Termine: February 19 until 23, 2024 (Mo-Fr), 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Stil: Contemporary
Registration: via mail to
Cost: 5 Euro for TNDD-members / 8 Euro for non-members; to be paid in cash on site
Important: please arrive 10 minutes before the start of class
Venue: TENZA Schmiede, Pfotenhauerstraße 50 HH, 01307 Dresden
The dates of the KEEP UP professional training program
Of course, the Special Week with Tiago Manquinho is only part of the professional training program. To get a complete overview of all upcoming dates, you should therefore check the following link regularly:
Important: you can register for all dates of the KEEP UP professional training at . The price for participation is 5 euros for TNDD members and 5 euros for non-members. Payment is made in cash on site.
KEEP UP is a project by TanzNetzDresden within the framework of the measure TanzNetzDresden All aRound, supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR.
Photos: Tiago Manquinho; friendly provided by himself