Großes steht in diesem Jahr an, denn das TanzNetzDresden wird 2025 sein 15jähriges Bestehen zelebrieren.…

»A deep reflection between emotions and movement.«
WORKING COMMUNITIES will host Christa Cocciole and Pablo Escoria on Friday, November 12, 2021 as part of their workshop „Embodiment for Social Transformation“. The workshop will be held in English and translated on site into German and we have now been able to talk to Christa Cocciole and Pablo Escoria in advance to share some insights of their and our upcoming workshop »Embodiment for Social Transformation«.
Interview with Christa Cocciole and Pablo Escorio
The content of your workshop is surely to be found deep in your personal or professional experience. Do you want to tell a little about certain cornerstones from your biographies that have become “triggers”
Christa Cocciole: »I have been dancing since age 3 and have degrees in Psychology and Dance. As long as I can remember, I was involved in political movements through my parent’s work around Racial and gender equity, anti-Atom, as well as basic door-to-door actions about community issues. I learned how important it is to stand up and be present with issues that are important for us. A big cornerstone for me was working as a movement therapist in the Bosnia war with many ethnic and cultural groups: Bosniak, Croat, Serb and Roma. I was able to be part of making a political impact through creative modalities of presence. I now work in a psychiatric day clinic as well as supporting people, teams and organisations in change processes around wellbeing, resilience and trauma-informed perspectives.«
Pablo Escoria: »I have been walking two different parallel tracks in my life, the track of business consultancy and change management, and the track of conscious movement, dance, emotions and expanded states of consciousness. My objective in life has been to find meeting points between these two tracks and provide the insights I get to the people I encounter.«
What can the participants expect from your workshop?
CC: »With Pablo and my similar and unique background, we will be encouraging the participants to sense their own purpose and individual skills in order to bring them into their communities in embodied ways. I’d like to “distill” my intention down to “Notice, Name and Navigate” in order for us all to show up in this very troubled world in an embodied way. For example, if we can notice that a sensation is happening in the body without judgement („I am contracting now“), then name the sensation („it feels like I am afraid“), I can then navigate what my best next steps can be (“I take a step away from the person I am standing next to”). We often judge or ignore body sensations which ends up limiting our awareness and potential of presence. I’m particularly excited to be working with this community of dancers. We have experience that can be supportive for others that might not have the tools or safety to listen to information from body awareness. This trained experience can be transforming for people in other communities.«
PE: »A deep reflection between emotions and movement. How to ensure that our movement is guided by the right emotions and how to make sure we take care of what is important for us when moving with others?«
What are your hopes for the long-term effect of your workshop?
CC: »If we can develop Embodied tools (strengthening the BodyMind innate wisdom that we have the potential for), I believe that we can make in impact to a more healthy and whole society.«
PE: »One workshop is an ideal space to plan seeds that, if taken care of, can bloom into new possibilities. I expect that our workshop will leave some of these seeds in participants.«
What other workshops do you offer?
CC: »I offer workshops and trainings around Embodiment and/or Trauma. Pablo and I are working closely with organisations and teams. Currently, I am supporting several international organisations committed to ending Gender Based Violence. For more information and my Newsletter:«
PE: »I am constantly working with NGOs, Civil Society Organizations CSOs and with private companies working with them on topics such as change management, wellbeing, leadership, strategic planning, and leadership. Parallel to that, I am continuously offering Biodanza workshops and dance cycles in Berlin. And other European cities. More info about what I do here«
You’ll find all information for the upcoming workshop »Embodiment for Social Transformation« with Christa Cocciole und Pablo Escoria at WORKING COMMUNTIES here.
Thank you very much for the interview!
The workshop with Christa Cocciole and Pablo Escoria takes place on the 12.11.2021 from 15:00 until 18:00 at the TENZA Schmiede, Pfotenhauer street 59 (rear building), 01307 Dresden.
Important: Participation in the workshops is free of charge, but the number of participants is limited. Registrations phase is officially over but you still can write at to ask if there are places left.
The activities of TanzNetzDresden are made possible by institutional funding from the state capital Dresden, concept funding from the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony and #TakeNote from the Performing Arts Fund as part of the Neustart Kultur program of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Media, and the Bürgerstiftung Dresden.