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Ta-dah! – Line up of the fifth TNDD studio round (October 14, 2022)
The complete line up of the upcoming TNDD studio round edition, which will take place on October 14th as usual from 8pm at the TENZA Schmiede, is now online and can be browsed. Once again, you can expect three exciting contributions from very different artists, which will be presented and discussed with the guests of the evening in our special studio atmosphere. One of them is „Studies of Softeting“, the production that had to be cancelled at short notice in the summer and can now fortunately be made up for. As always, the format is free of charge. The participants of the upcoming fourth edition are:
- Elia Pangaro (Italy)
- Jack Bannerman (Germany)
- Therese Bendjus & Daria Belous (Germany)
Detailed information on the individual contributions to the fifth TNDD studio round will now follow in German or can be viewed directly on the studio round subpage. There you will also find all information in English.
Elia Pangaro „AMOEBA“
Elia Pangaro was born in Perugia, Italy. Captured by the aesthetics of urban techniques He started dancing at the age of 10. Through his training with various teachers, he began to form his movement signature.
He started his professional career as a dancer at 16 dancing in INC innprogress_collective directed by Afshin Varjavandi. Since then he started freelancing as a performer with many choreographers, directors and in theaters such as: Michele Merola, Stefano Poda, Giuseppe Tornatore, Teatro Regio di Torino, Opera Royal De Wallonie, Paolo Rosini, Vangelis Legakis, Jose Agudo and others.
In 2019 he founded MITS Collective with Alexander De Vries and he started creating and co- creating performances around the world. Some of his works are: “Anatomy of a Living Body”, lecture-performance co-created with the psychiatrist Maurizio Venezi for VID Art/Science in Bologna, Italy. “MÊME-BRAIN”, 50 minutes piece co-choreographed with the members of MITS Collective for ISB in Bangkok, Thailand. “spiegarsi/spje’garsi”, piece produced by UNITY SPACE (Hong Kong) and supported by MOVES (Mexico), presented in Guatemala and Mexico. “AMOEBA”, solo produced by UNITY SPACE (HK) and supported by Invernadero Danza (MX) presented in Oaxaca, Mexico and in Munich at TANZWERSTATT EUROPA in the context of the Open Stage 2022. He is currently working as a freelance performer and choreographer, creating inclusive, interdisciplinary works with different collaborators.
The journey starting from a single celled entity, unnamed, to the process of discovering the being that is Elia Pangaro. Submerged in the everchanging loosing and finding yourself, differently the same as you were yesterday. Underneath the unraveling red jumpsuit of mindless repetition Elia discovers himself, exploring his voice of mind leading to that incomparable certainty, you are you. So Elia begins to see you, connect to you. In embracing who he is and sharing it, he reminds you with a smile, you can be you. Fade from blurry eyes, and focus clear. Connect with energies around you. Find yourself meeting others in this awakening of who we are in a day, everyday.
Choreographed and performed by: Elia Pangaro
Music: J. Fučìk, Roberto Lagerman (Crowse)
Produced by: MITS Collective
Photos by: Michael Reinecke
Supported by: Unity Space (HK), Invernadero danza (MX), Centrodanza Spazio Performativo (IT)
Duration: 15 minutes
Presented in the context of the Open Stage at TANZWERSTATT EUROPA, Munich, August 2022.
Special thanks to Hanna Schaar & Pierre d’Haveloose for the collaboration.
Photos: Michael Rennecke
Jack Bannerman: „Baby Blue“
Originally from Australia, Jack has worked professionally as a dancer in both Australia and Europe for 7 years, dancing repertoire from choreographers such as Bryan Arias, Jorge Pérez Martínez, and Andris Plucis. Jack has been invited to present his first choreographic work “Do you feel at home” for the Tanzplattform Rhein-Main, the Vesuvius Film festival, the Tanz Zentrale der Region Nürnberg, and the Florence Dance festival. His latest and largest work Hello, my old friend, was presented at the Landestheater Eisenach in Germany. Jack is currently completing an MA in Choreography at the Palucca University for dance in Dresden, Germany.
Baby Blue
„The empty handed painter from your streets
Is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets
The sky too is fallin‘ in over you
And it’s all over now, baby blue“
The solo work Baby Blue elevates the perspective of the viewer, enforcing a feeling of observation and judgement. The work is packaged and presented within the dimensions of a large piece of living room carpet, the performer is now a product of this reality. This reality where their identity can only be expressed through performing in this confined space. The piece is a dance performance, but it also questions the act of performing, and how this ominous pressure can infiltrate our lives, and lead us astray.
Choreography, concept, and performance: Jack Bannerman
Videography and editing: Maxi Richter
Costume design and creation: Philipp Fritsche
Music: intro – Awfultune, It’s all over now, Baby Blue – Anohni & lakes – Gia Margaret
Photo: Filmstill of „Baby Blue“; filmed on the stage of the Landestheater Eisenach, September 2021.
Therese Bendjus & Daria Belous: Studies of Softening
Therese Bendjus, originally from Dresden, is a performance artist working, living and studying in Berlin. Her research circles around states of vulnerability, touch and encounter. She is interested in the body as matter and questions the personal transparency during performances.
Daria Belous is a Belarusian-born improvisation movement artist, engaging in performance art, sound design and somatic form. Coming from communication studies and linguistics, her artistic interest is built around the possibilities of materials communicating with and translating into each other. She currently studies at HZT Berlin and works with states of discomfort and loss of control.
Studies of Softening is a performance around tenderness and warmth. A heater becomes our teacher. Is trembling the same as heating? How do we encounter each other in a tender way? We declare softening as strength and wonder where power and fragility meet.
Photos: Anton Gerzina & Nihad Nino Pusija
We are very much looking forward to the contributions and the subsequent exchange and cordially invite all interested parties to join us on October 14 from 8 pm at TENZA Schmiede.
All information about the respective pieces of the evening, which of course can be discussed afterwards, can also be found here.
TNDD studio round is a project by TanzNetzDresden. Funded by the Office for Culture and Monument Protection and the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony. The measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon State Parliament.
Header photo: Jack Bannerman; Filmstill of „Baby Blue“; shot on the stage of Landestheater Eisenach, September 2021.